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Off for an MRI on my neck tomorrow, never been for one before, been told no make up and no clothes with zips or metal but I was just wondering if there is anything else I ought to know? I have not...
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I needed to replace some tiles in our bathroom. they were a light beige colour fading to white around the edges. i visited b&q and annoyingly they had slightly darker or white and mine sat right...
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There's a radio programme (which I believe has also been trialled on TV), called "I've Never Seen 'Star Wars'". The starting point for the programme is that the guest reveals some things...
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Wasn't terribly pleasant and it was as bad as I thought it would be. She took about 15 mins trying to get it out of my arm ewww and my arm felt well weird. I don't know if I would have another one...
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sad old git
Hi All. I went mad on Jan 5th and sent for a pair of these " Ugg boots" for my wife.I ordered them direct online from an Australian company which sounded genuine?. However I have since had a...
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I am currently placed in temporary housing, long term lease, by the local council. I have been in recept of benefits, legitimately, for some time but as my rent is twice what the minimum wage is for a...
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I want as many people as possible to comment on this. I'm aiming for at least 50 different people to answer. Thanks in advance, BBBE99......
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Just got a second hand pc with XP on it,as OEM but no disk.The tower has a serial number on the side for XP.Thing is what happens if I have to format the hard drive?How do I get XP and the programmes...
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I'm no pro at life, I don't have the answer to everything but I've spent sodding years (15+) dealing with computers, computer faults, networking, computer science and scripting - Give me a break...
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I have just converted to Firefox,and am stumbling my way through the add ons.Wow didnt know there was so much stuff I didnt need to know! It has to be a woman who came up with this,there is so much...
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using no more than 6 words Me Bashful, sensitive and a sticky wh0re...
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I am seeing a bit about Firefox and as a learning computer user,I am wondering if I should change to this.I am using IE8 but I was hoping someone could tell me the advantages of Firefox over IE as I...
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I've only been posting for 11 months now. Can anyone tell me what I need to know about this site. Thanks....
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Would you pick one up? I did and my family have threatened to put me in a home ;)
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Please help!After looking on the Lakeland kitchen site before,I am now getting adverts for this place EVERYWHERE.I right clicked on one of the ads and it gave me some sort of settings option.What...
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Keep posting on silly threads that get pulled, just wanted to say goodnight to all my friends and for any abuse that may follow, you cannot hurt me, I`ve been through too much. Night Everyone Mamya...
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Why my Mum said dont drink Why my Dad said there are some silly people in this world we will never understand Why people should listen when they are told you cannot hold your drink Why bullies are so...
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Frost has cleared, sky is blue, have a good day everyone XXXX
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the weather is sh1te, have a good day everyone XXXX

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