What links The Man With The Golden Flute (James Galway) a Radio 2 drive-time DJ (Simon Mayo?) and a Ruth Rendell Creation (Inspector Wexford?) Any ideas please?
Does anyone have the answer (and prize details) of last week's codeword? I know the crossword answer was Kate Middleton but I couldn't get the codeword. Also if anyone has the prize details of both...
Does anyone have the answer to the Code Word (and prize details) of last week's magazine? I've have the answer to the crossword and I have this week's (1086) answers if it helps. Thanks.
Does anyone have the answers (and prize details) of last week's magazine? I unfortunately couldn't get hold of it. I have this week's (1086) answers if it helps. Thanks.
Can someone please confirm that the answer was Kingdom. I've thrown out the mag and can't check. If I remember correctly, the clue was laid back ITV drama (7 letters)
Does anyone please know the location of this photo? http://www.thisisyourmail.co.uk/pages/treasure hunt The clue is that it is an East Riding village location