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Is southern electric the same as SSE (it's to clear on either website, although they both look the same).
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I received a text earlier from the woman that works at the Rhythm and Booze up the road asking if I can 'pick locks'. It turns out that the owner hasn't paid the electricity bill and they have been...
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I'm really sorry to post this again, but I have a specific question I need answering... I have an appointment tomorrow with a psychiatrist, to asses my mental state. This is a good thing.... but......
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I went to the doctors a few weeks ago as my stomach was really bloated and hard, I felt I looked about 4 months pregnant ,he sent me for an ultrasound and luckily everything came back fine. He thinks...
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I saw a specialist today who has suggested I take up swimming, cycling and go out twice a day....He has a great sense of humour....hmmm! I sold the house with the swimming pool and am blowed if I'm...
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Evening, how is everyone tonight? The evenings seem to be drawing in very quickly! I'm about to watch the Inside Broadmoor programme while keeping an eye out for some hedgehogs which have been...
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As much as I love all dogs, I would have to say dobermans are the best . There loyal , intelligent , obedient & loving. What do other ABer's think? Wheres Baldric when you need him ?...
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OK before I start this is not a thing that is either worrying me or causing undue concern I would just genuinely like to know what other people would do. A couple of days ago a FB acquaintance ( I...
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Last night my bf said to me all girls like rough sex. Knowing that I am the only one his been with I asked how do you know that and he wouldn't reply. Does this mean he has been cheating or something...
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Right now listen up because I’m only going to say it once. I’ve realised that this site is helpful but certain people deem it not the place for private personal matters. I’m not going to start...
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Is this a bad idea? I'm watching a DVD called Sinister, on my own. Is this going to keep me awake? Should I watch a couple of episodes of Sugar Rush instead? #fraidycat Yikes ... why would ANYONE...
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I came over 'all funny' yesterday afternoon and spent the rest of the evening feeling like utter broccoli. My head is banging, my throat is sore, my nose is blocked and I feel totally wiped out. It's an...
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Sad, I know, but this is a job I love. 48-hour carpet cleaner hire, done the old folks place and our big (grubby) living room. Could grow spuds in the muck that's shifted. It makes me feel as if I...
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Are you around? My bloody charge has gone on my phone and my charger is at my folks. Are you ok? :-/...
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Hey all. I hope Baby_Sham doesn't mind me saying this but I'm really proud of her. We are both helping each other (just by talking) and since her post the other day regarding her self harming she...
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Today has been a really good day. I have got myself accepted and enrolled on a college course to start in November, and I have also signed up to a gym! Thank you for all your support over the past few...
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I have a (kind of) friend popping over this afternoon and need to make lunch. It has to be quick, hot and easy to make. I'm not 'trying to impress', it's more of a favour - so nothing too extravagant....
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The US space agency Nasa is proposing something different. They're looking for people who'd be willing to get in to bed - and stay there for 70 days. You're not expected to try and sleep for the...

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