Having a bad day today, I'm totally stuck on the bottom left hand corner. In desperation I even tried the crib site but it won't open up!!! (Serves me right) So can anyone help me with 23 and26A...
Help, can anyone tell me 6D Conservative about to contain a mystical potential causing great upheaval? or 11A Moving towards end of play with energy Stuck on that entire side but hoping a couple of...
Hi, I'm struggling today can anyone help me with 21D Against being in Latin ?E?S?S 18A Jump to get politicians some food SPRING ?R???S (if it's greens can't think why) 16D Find pulse on European...
It's no good, I have to admit defeat on 20A and 22D 20a: Man and child back with a drink SA???C? 22d Boy or girl born back-to-front: ??S?L Any help appreciated, thanks
Having had my say to Davidicus..I'm now stuck and can't find any more queries about Bare Bones today so I must be off form :-) Does anyone know 19and 20A and 15 and 18 Down please.