For the benefit of everyone who strives to help.
please note that houghofurr never ever
acknowledges anyone who has provided an
answer to any of his questions....
What a lovely feeling to open the paper and see that you have won the above crossword. With a bit of luck my good fortune may hold for tonight's National Lottery. I am allowed to dream I suppose....
I need a little help today. I have been out in the sun all day at a football tournament watching my grandson play.They won the cup, hooray. Unfortunately it seems to have fried my brain. 11d . Pupil...
I have just been to the paper shop and I saw the headline on the News of the World JORDAN BEDS BOXER My first thoughts were that that was better than a great Dane.
My question is, why are there 20 or more pages for each category when you can only check back on the first ten pages? Why not delete all pages after ten and thus free up lots of extra space on the...
Has anybody noticed that a lot of programmes on sky, particularly UK Gold and others,seem to have added a commentary telling you what is happening. I for one find this ruddy annoying. anybody agree?
Good morning your ladyship. Is there any truth in the rumour that a question is to be tabled in the House Of Commons regarding the legality of the Mad Over 50s Club? or is it just a vicious canard put...
16a - ancient Greek drink of wine mixed with honey, once used as a remedy for gout. I have O?N?M?L(7) I have googled it and come up with oxymel which fits the clue description but not the answer grid,...