if you post lots of questions in quick succession, the bots will think you are spamming, and if they are all the same it thinks you are multiple posting - either way your account will get...
It's the second time today I've been suspended/banned. All my posts from today have been wiped including all the really long ones I spent ages writing today to try and help people and offer my support...
have a liking for bread and like dipping it in margarine mmmm, i often substitute meals by doing this, im not fat and havent noticed any dire affects from doing it, but my friends reckon its...
About three weeks ago a separated wife of a friend wanted to do some extra work to pay for a better Christmas (she is a kept woman, even after the separation and has two kiddies under 7). Her plan was...
There are somethings in life that you think you absolutely HATE HATE HATE but when they reappear you start to grin secretly and you know in the back of your mind that if the thing you HATE was not...
Who do you contact about finding out if something you need treating/doing is able to be funded on the NHS? There must be a body with an address where individual cases and applications are considered....
Just wanted to put this question to fellow ABers...most of us (but not all) have had to get over people in our lifetime for one reason or another...what did you do to pick yourself up?...did you take...