I love people watching and will happily watch them all day ( seaside/park etc).I go to one pub site that has a web cam and its ok http://www.crownbar.com/crownbar/web_cam.asp but is there a better one...
I was wondering how many answerbankers are we registered, how many active in the last 6 months, and how many countries do our emails originate from?
What is the range of mobile speed cameras? I often pass them and naturally never do above the speed limit? but I do wonder what their range/scope is.Do they have a 'line' like a laser or is it more...
I have a friend who wants to buy my old laptop (Packard Bell 500mhz, 60mb, 6gb, windows 98se), but I don't know how much I should ask for (I am planning to do a master reinstall from the cds)? She...
The 5ft tube in my kitchen is only illuminated at the ends - how do I know whether it's the tube or the choke at fault ? Whenever there's a problem, I always seem to buy the wrong item first & have to...
I would like to buy a printer to use with my laptop,but do not have much space at home to store it.I have looked around most of the big electronic stores,but cannot find a printer small enough.It does...
like a complete and utter cretin and have now realised that it falls half in my PMT week and half in my period week. So The first few days I will be in a suicidal pit of despair and for the remainder...
how much is a gallon of regular , unleaded gasoline go for in the UK these days?
it's 1.70 US dollars in North Carolina. give me the price in pounds, i don't mind. thank you much.
Hello! Right people I need your help for something I wish to include in my dissertation. I need as many examples of well-known novels etc where people describe character's faces and relates their...
In our nursery we have several purpose built sturdy bikes. These are not the same as you would buy for a single child to use and are avaiable from certain suppliers. Some of our bikes have the cap...
I didn't know where to put this, but this seemed most appropriate. My girlfriend lives 7 hours away and I miss her constantly, and I also worry about her because we can't be togeher yet. I'm worried...
I've seen safety deposit boxes on American films, but are there any banks or companies that provide them in the UK ? I have lots of stuff I'd like to store safely in somewhere like that incase of...