16 super Mario about- so RTE conks out (10) r?s???t?c? 19 many tell about those with records to keep (8) t?l?y?e? 22 how to inflict an inferior wine on the table (5) ?i??? 15 this should be at the...
15 prayer declaration of beliefs by members of the roman catholic church (8,5) ??o???e? C?i?d 15d lights in which light source is a high intensity electric arc either between carbon rods in air or...
What do you call someone who pilots a Killarney jaunting car (6) j???v?y The v is from lavin bill cullens partner as I thought answer was jaunty Customers quickly withdrawing all their money is called...
9 next on the list for a sailors tryst (4,2,4) p?r? o? ??l? 18 complaints commission heads met criminal to readjust serious statement (8,7) ?r?t?c?l ?o???n? 11but progresses slowly since his initial...
17 in medicine affected by hardening of cells (8) ?c?e?o?e
24 cone shaped sponge teacake coated in jam and coconut (9) m???L?i?e
29 a youn g woman who behaves like a man (7) ????t?e
3 colour to complement black cats (5) ?m?e? 17 express in other words (4,5) ?a?t ?r??? 27 badgers... and such trappers (4) d??? 28 subbing would have you on your feet first (8,2) ?t?n???? ?n is 28...
A noted song of exile popular on both sides of the Atlantic (3,3,3,4) The. ?l? B?g. ?o?? Characteristic of a person who is not cultivated or does not have intellectual taste (3,6) L?w. ?r?w?? Thanks...
answers are multiple choice 1 how many months did it take from the revelation and arrest of bernie madoff in december 2008 to his incarceration. a 7 b 20 c 24 d 29 2 which of these companies is the...