It seems as soon as I pop off to lunch or for a meeting everything gets a bit messy on here. I hope you are all well. Hopefully this afternoon myself and the Big Ed will be doing a Q&A - this is still...
Well it's not really it's just that I feel I daren't type anything dodgy 'cos I'm being watched. It's actually made me feel like a naughty schoolboy......but I can't find one........
WAHHHHHHHAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like the ed seen some sense after klownshoe made himself look stupid several times in front of him ! Best behaviour now,knobbys txt'd me and he's banned but hopefull also...
my white umpires sun hat has gone all floppy after the rain last week, any ideas on how to get it back to its original firm state. i was considering sewing fuse wire around the edge any other tips...
had to put this one here as I couldnt believe it!! ive.0807/pic09494.jpg Who stands and looks at a pair of men's briefs and says "hummmm ..... I can make...
I (mrfreindly ) was just banned for no reason,peebee done a "wheres mr friendly thread " and has also dissapeared? What on earth is happening,has agen smith and other bad programs finally taken over...
Good or bad? Can be both in my opinion. Kinda wears you out if you do it too often yet if you don't look deeply at things or see things in more than one way you could be missing out on things that...
Hello, Just popped on to say Hey to Leggy, haven't been round here for a bit ;) Not sure what the name would be at the mo lol Just sent you an email, but wasn't completely confident I had the right...
Ladies like to pluck + and wax ...... and epilate ................... and get legs and bikini line waxed too. but ladies . have any of you ever assisted your partner, or even a male friend gay or...
Hello ladies Whilst with new girlfriend she made a comment about "always being the man in a relationship". Although I picked up on it, it wasnt appropriate to investigate that theme at the time....
depends on the woman i suppose ...... but say a guy noticed his hair was getting further up his forehead aka Johnny Vaughan / Ryan Giggs / Calum Best (i know its an age thing and everyone ages and...