Thought it was quiet, just seen the neighbour and turns out Heathcliffe has done a sneaky shufty through their window and is now lapping up being spoilt but the lovely cat loving neighbour lol. Mind...
A Gok inspired question as watching How to Look Good Naked. Seems for many people the grass is always greener when it comes to our bodies so thought I'd ask a question out of curiosity.
I am curently participating in a mock trial in my Democracy class, and i am asking for some helpful tips and hints. I am one of two D.A's in a criminal case against two deffence atorneys. The crime...
I recently appeared in court to apply to have judgement against me by a high street bank set aside. Both parties were directed to provide further information. I complied on my part but the bank still...
How many Christmas trees have we demolished this year? Our slave refuses to get a normal tree and has purchased a topiary tree (last years tree - not even a new one) . I have tried to work out how to...
On last night's Panorama about Karen Matthews he said at the end of the programme (paraphrasing) 'People like this should not be pitied, they should be judged'. I believe he meant people like Karen...
Why have all the free ones I got through my door as a british gas and EDF energy customer all bayonet and not a screw fitting? I cannot get them to fit anywhere lol And whats the low down on them...
hmmm i have a partner with a 10 yr old from previous relationship, we have her either 2 nights in the week or every other weekend, depends on what we work, she also pops down for tea and to play with...
I have charged my trusty "Brownie" and shall set off shortly looking for things of avid interest. Making a close up video of next doors dog having a wee. It does'nt get more exciting does it....
this weekend? I'm Christmas shopping tomorrow and have to buy youngest offspring some new clothes.... (Think he's had a growth spurt cos the clothes I got him 2 years ago don't fit him any more) =0)
Just wanted to say a quick hello and thank you to all that posted answers to my question on 26/11. So I guess i'd better update you on the situation. Basically, we went out on the Friday night as...
They are not as clever as men, they are always in denial, very argumentative, predictably unpredictable, immature, moody, vindictive and bitchy. Every last one of them, when they appear not to be,...
hey all! I wasn't sure which category to post this Q in but as the Chatterbank seems to cover most things, here goes! I seem to find myself involved in all manner of groups & charities & am trying to...
I shall leave you to play with your "toys". Sorry to have to miss the usual scintilating conversation concerning the relative merits of various types of self pleasuring plastic things.