Well,what do you think about the follow up to Christmas then? I know it's a bit early to think about it.But,I just wondered what everyone's comments are these days. I think that this year,everyone...
i have just realised i am not brave at all, I wimpered like a scardy cat when the doc injected the anaesthetic into my tongue, i am now in alot of pain and can't speak much and dosed up on soluble...
How successfully can prosecutions for psychological assault be brought? I understand that it is possible to prosecute for ABH for psychological injury. I was a deputy head in a school. While I was...
1, find someone better first, then finished the wrong relationship 2,finish the unsatisified realtionship first, then being single for a while then start looking for another one 3, keep the...
yeah, I did this the other day, but I am really nosey! what was the last text you received? mine says, "Haha, anything is gd for us :o) we aren't difficult like that lot!!! Teehee. Looking forward to...
Anybody used a chimney sweep recently? How much did you pay? Also if anyone knows of any good chimney sweeps in the Nottingham area please let me know. Thanks Chim chimeney, chim chimeney, chim chim...
i split with my partner 11 months ago and she has continued to live in the house and pay the mortgage(mortgage in joint name)/gas/electric etc, even though i dont have access to the house or have any...
has anyone been lucky enough to sip a glass of don perignon or a large glass even! i brought a bottle about thirteen years ago and have not drank it yet, never been a good time. is it still ok or have...
i was involved in a accident where i came of my motorbike avoiding a car which cut me up then braked causing me to skid and brake my arm steel plate broken right wrist also what if anything should i...
"Old people with mobile phones is wrong". Why? I don?t agree! I think it gives them a piece of security in this day and age of violence. What do you think?