1. Qualities you find attractive in the opp. sex? 2. Which perfume/ aftershave are you wearing at the moment? 3. Your interests away from work? 4. Type of book you are interested in? 5. How would you...
FIL is the named on his house deeds but not my MIL. My FIL has now gone into a care home with vascular dementia (fully funded by PCT under section 117). My MIL wants her name on deeds so that they can...
is there any way i can actually appeal against a crime i think was unfairly judged. Background My friend was stabbed to death last year at the young age of just 14, by a group of upto 15 boys,but only...
a friend has just called me, rather upset, to tell me an alsation jumped out of a garden and bit her on the *rse. it has broken the skin. the person with the dog said its not his dog, its a police dog...
Further to an earlier post regarding the death of a friend of mine, I was wondering if ethel, barmaid or any of the other wonderfully legal minded people on here could clarify something for my dead...
Just got back from my blind date. He was a nice chap but I wasn't attracted to him and don't think we have much in common, we like same type of music and films but he is really into sport and I'm so...
what would it be? There are conditions....you can't give your wish away and you can't wish for more wishes. I would wish to turn dreams into reality....now that is a gooooood wish aint it ;) Hxx
the claimant in a land reg tribunal hearing lied on his statement of truth saying I forged his signature on a document, he never provided any proof of this (as he obviously couln't). I am still...
The red arrows are banned from the 2012 olympics, for being to british,and would be offensive to other countries,so say the dept of culture media and sport who are they?also they said that the arrows...
hi my mom is in a bad relationship with her partner and wants out. they have been together 4 years and e a brought house together. she would like to sell the house and make a fresh start for them both...
Hello, i am fourteen years old and am currently looking for a small job. I have taken up two paper rounds and have done a bit of babysitting, but they prove to be a bit boring and don't pay that much....
I have been with my fiance for seven years now and really don't want to be with him, through arguments, upset etc. We are living in a house which is owned 100% by me, does he have any rights to be in...