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Mark Thatcher is a 2nd Baronet by inheritence, not because of anything he good he has done. He is a convicted criminal having received a 4 year suspended sentence in South Africa for his part in an...
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Can anyone help me, this bridge featured in a sequence in a film or TV program from the 50's or 60's , i believe there was a shot from the operators cabin. Can anyone help, and no it wasn't Billy...
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Want a witty and apt name for a quiz team that relates to the horsemeat scandal , anyone got any ideas? Thanks!
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Does anyone else remember that miserable feeling when Sing Something Simple came onto the radio at 7pm on a Sunday evening after the top 20 chart show? I always associated it with the fact that it was...
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What The Funicular! just seen a prime time advert on ITV HD for this cult on here!!! didnt know religeous adverts were allowed on tv...any comments??...
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There was a young lad in it who looked familiar. I missed the titles though. Does anyone know who it was?
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I tried using bomdas and came up with an answer but dont know if i did it right: 4x4+4x4+4-4x4 I make it 20 is that right if not can you tell me what it is and how you arrived at the answer - thanks...
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I am currently rehearsing a play called Celebration by Keith Waterhouse & Willis Hall. I believe it was written in the late 50's/early 60's and is meant to be set in northern England at around that...
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Oh No ! They are repeating it now on BBC2 as if once isn't enough !
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Theres been 47 so has it ever happened? Thanks!...
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Is it just me or does he look totally disinterested in being there. Not hiding it very well. Embarrasing. Only there to plug something - has he a new film out?...
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is sold to the Americans. Can we look forward to price increases? Yep Buddy!
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Just found this and the Atheists, even some of the religious who do not take themselves too seriously will enjoy this..... Scroll down the page to pick it up.......
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Everytime there is a cock up be it an overspend, some insane policy or plain incompitence, its usually follwed by the follwing phrase. It drives me mad because invariably, they never do, learn from...
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Luke 12:20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever...
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rojash He said "having taken responsibility for something which happened 10 years ago..." Shouldn't that have been "having FINALLY...
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watching British tv coverage of the Superbowl and wondering how many people here are remotely interested, it occurs to me how little the two nations have in common in terms of major sports....
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kitty123 Less people will be playing me thinks....
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Blockbusters, retail businesses falling like dominoes, wonder if the pressure will increase on these firms that avoid corporation tax?
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Just seen it flash up on Sky News: Sad but not hugely surprising given the increasingly online culture. How sad for potentially...

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