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so boris johnson is going to stand for mayor, at last !!!!!! livingstone has been a disaster for all londoners except the lightweight looney left lot boris presumably will concentrate on matters...
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Has got something going, a national assembly against racism, a celebration of multi-culturalism. RISE or similar ? Great, isn't it ? One day not too far away, the 'ethnic minorities' will be firmly...
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Scientists are asking the public to identify a million galaxies. Apparently the human eye is better than computers for this job and astronomers say it would take them years to do this, so that's why...
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Lets look at Muktar Ibrahim, one of the bombers given a 40 year prison sentence a few days ago. He came here as an asylum seeker in 1990 but was soon involved in crime and finished up getting a 5...
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There were some shown on BBC News tonight. Brilliant I call it, that'll shut up the God freaks. If God had been there prodding it along the camera would have caught him, there's no hiding from digital...
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Tory's idea of a tax incentive of ?20.00 a week. My colleagues I spoke to today about this didn't think it would make any difference to them in making decisions about being a working parent or...
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Why do many muslims grow a big bushy beard but shave off their moustache?
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Is April Fool's Day late this year, or is this what being a parish councillor does to people? This one is beyond satire:,,30100-1 274613,00.html :-)
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Some times when I reverse and then apply the brakes , there is a vibration coming from the front wheel area ( i think ) This ONLY happens when reversing NOT when moving forward and applying brakes Any...
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I have seen on the news people complaining that they thought they would get help from 'the authorities' for their losses - these people haven't bothered to buy insurance. Am I alone in thinking sod...
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I see that we may be in for another alcohol price hyke.Who agrees that this would have NO effect on binge drinking[usually associated with todays youth] but would effect the usual well...
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Whils't I do not want to sound uncaring , cos I do sympathize - it must be devestating to have your possesions ruined . However , listening to some people who have been affected , by the recent floods...
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Not exactly current, but prompted by a program last night. She stands accused of using her position as PMs wife to make money from speaking engagements. Bit of a devil's advocate question, but - so...
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Did man land on the moon?
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This is a bit gross,but why can we abide the smell of our own farts,but others we find repugnant?
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I am wanting to ad a link into a question... how can I do this?? Thanks in advance.. Jo xxx
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Whickerman 80.stm Some big news about the next series of Dr Who - are you bothered?????
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Hmmm, i heard on the news that 6 of the terrorists arrested yesterday were docotors. Dont doctors have to take some sort of oath to pledge to try to save life, no matter what?
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Last night at about 2240hrs I was outside - looked up at the sky from east to west and north to south - all i could see was one solitary 'star' If in fact it wasn't a star , but rather one of the...
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Can someone please post a link to the English Daily papers pleae, when I google all I get are Foreign ones. Thanks you.

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