can some kind soul tell me the full title of a song whos chorus has the lyric " a little souviener of a terrible year " in it,singer was female,sounds a little like swing out sister,tho certain its...
i often hear of chatrooms on the net that cater for different tastes etc,the only ones i am aware of are whats offered by my isp!!,can someone out there help me with any quality dating chat...
hers a question that has crossed my mind more than a few times . ive only been online for 16 months but i know folk who have been on a lot longer on sites like ab and the old cb, that there have been...
around 1999 or later I was given a AE cd for buying clothes it had a song with a tecno beat too it and the lyrcis had something to do with a satilite. I would really like to find this song. thanks