I'm catching up on this weeks Four in a Bed. Two of the chaps have commented on finding it difficult being separated from their partners. One of them has never been away from his partner for two...
At last David's admitted to himself and Priya that he still loves Alesha,about time.It often takes to nearly losing someone to realise and admit the truth.
I apologies to ED this thead is inappropriate after what has happened over the past few days. I will proceed. I came back for one reason and afterwards I have to go again. Murraymints I've just got...
I have had the most wonderful holiday in Ireland. Long time since I was up on the wild west coast and had forgotten how beautiful and friendly it is. Luton Airport was a pain.....I set off the blasted...
I'm off for an early night...pooped...have to drag myself to nurse tomorrow to change dressing...so best try and get a decent sleep, will need to be up early to shower etc...
I'm finally home.....afraid things went downhill,developed very high fever, delerium etc. And ended up back on drips and catheter....still a bit wabbit and tired, need to build myself up but not got...
Supermarkets in France have great displays of vegetables. Having been to France nearly every year for 15 years we have never seen a carrot, a pea, caulie,broccoli or any other veg in a restaurant. All...
Further to to question about Voyager I have decided to ask this 'Where were you at the moment Apollo landed on the Moon?' As I said, I was in Cambridge at a pub called The Mill by the river Cam, even...
Where do you stand on the subject of weather presenter Sian Lloyd being uninvited from the Blair wedding yesterday, as documented in the Mail? Strikes me she has leaked the story herself, and if...