9a case of spirits is brown, thanks to Latin-american (8) 12a get ready to fire farmyard boss (4) 15a jape: cocktail mixed with last of beer? (9,4) 19a how sailor finds where he is, busy reading on...
Morning all, I'm stuck on last 3. 17a) Women became endlessly diverted by viewing device (6) 14d) Fortunate with bottle after top disappears (5) 20a) Modest & deceptive, like much of holland (3-5)...
Hello all, I'm struggling today, brain clogged up with Christmas to do list ! 10d) intelligence heads opinion in place in U.S. court (7,5) 3d) grant, say, involves integrated circuit firm in problem...
5d expert covers river area (4) 13a a second class route overseas (6) 18d gibbon sails over this small tree (6) 20a what conflict resolution did,say, but not for bikini? (3,5) Don't think these...
7d guarantee right to follow guards (6) 4d control speed governing toboggan after turn (8) 26a well-rounded doctor gets faulty boring tool (9,5) 19a IT nerd breaks the ice (6) 8d squaddie meets...
29a the brainpower of popular tv males, you might say (12) 10d with ease , flyer felt so excited about start of spacewalk (12) 13d capture unstable particle as safety measure (10) 3d street wardens an...
Hello all, I'm struggling today need a kick start ! 6a) NCOs Carol & Pearl paraded - they each have one stripe 5,9) 8d) Eleven face ASBO misbehaving in time off work (5,2,7) 26a) like a snails weird...
9a annoy hill-worker who polite to women (7) 16a thrifty wife escaped from gulf war in distress 25a careful thought produces image in glass (10) 18d sweet that's spot on (5,3) 29a insured flyer...
15a scour in the raw perhaps behind this? (6,7)
8d last appearance of actress Gloria ? Good (4,4)
6d chase one entering stamping ground (5)
Thanks for any help...
1d customer survey worries three carmakers (6,8) 8d clue for very quiet place some people go for therapy? (8,6) 10a lead with stolen dollars first (8) 26a cheeky kid with cooler paparazzo? 22a highly...
14a sailors hope to make it 50,and by autumn(8) is it landfall
21a approach taken by hospital to treatment of colitis? Is logistic
24a cornet playing in church (4) is it cone?
Thanks for any help...