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Following on from some of the gay references on here, there's a guy at work who talks very effeminately, and is always 'touching' people (both men and women), or coming up behind people and rubbing...
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has anyone tried this with their dog. our dog wets when we leave him - think it may be an anxiety thing and was wondering if we should try this?
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where does the term `jankers' come from
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come on then, what are your best hangover remedies? i am dying here! and dont say "dont drink in the first place" xxx
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Has anyone got a recipe for wichitty grub caserole? I tried it in greenland once, i have some eggs hatching soon. I would like to try and market a frozen version.
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Has anyone ever managed to find the recipe for Donner meat? It must exist but where on earth it is, i have looked to no avail.
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I need some inspiration for meal ideas.. I'm sick of cooking the same things on a 2 - 3 week rotation. So come on, tell me what your fav meal is and let's see if you can all help me out of this hole!...
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what are your thoughts on this?
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Is it forbidden by Roman Catholic Church for the deceased to be cremated?
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Queenbee S
How do you make your mash? I make mine with lurpack butter, white pepper, salt, and bash it to a pulp so it has absolutely no lumps. I dont use milk either and my favourite spuds to use are desiree....
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There are some weird and wonderful names on the Answerbank. If yours is an alias, what inspired you to use it?
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The Blackbird that can't close it's beak. Having got a closer look it seems to have something stuck in it's throat, at first I thought it was it's tongue but I dont think so now. Any ideas on how to...
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We have a Blackbird visiting our garden which seems incapable of closing it's beak. It is a male, so that spoils that argument. Seriously though it is in good condition, but seems to have trouble...
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Just wondering what people's favourite prayers are and why? My answer is not a very creative one I'm afraid, my favourite prayer is the our father. I like this prayer because it's a simple and...
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I am a tee totaler and could do with some ideas for cocktails or mixes of drinks. I am bored of oj and lemonade, j2o is too rich after one. Please dont ask me to try a drink of the alcoholic kind. I...
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If you could invent anything, what would it be?
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Hi ya all just a little bit of advise needed here, I have suffered from gout from the very early age of 19, I take allopurenol which I belive is the most commen drug for it. allopurenol usually keeps...
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I recently bought a pair of Karrimor KSB walking boots, they are made of a canvas/suede material. I've walked about 15 miles in them and they still feel uncomfortable. Is there a better way of...
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I know nothing about wines but keep hearing about the benefits of red wine and I am very happy to have a glass in the evening. I thought I heard that Chilean wines are the "healthiest" - is this true?...

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