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—all the suffering..people expatriate warring countries so many innocent live destroyed human imperfection and selfish desires my answer to this is 2 Timothy 3- 16...
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It been said we learned 85 per cent of what we know by listening. Although we spend much of our time listening, we are distracted or preoccupied or we forget 75 percent of what we hear, for good...
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Jesus was not an imaginary person. He really lived as a man on earth. “In ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the [actual existence] of Jesus,” notes the Encyclopædia...
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Why do religious people think that we have a CHOICE in what we believe or dont believe? I had an interesting conversation this morning with a couple of door knocking JW's. Unlike most people I...
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I discovered Answebank in 2006. For the first few years, I posted regularly, had many arguments and discussions, and it was really busy all of the time. I don't bother much these days as to be honest...
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So we have cults of Satan worshipers multiplying in numbers and we allow them to practice their beliefs and welcome them to our lands to find they hate us. Some hate so much they would give up their...
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I have a few favourites... Trying to think of more... Obviously it it applies to you... Care to share? Its for a wedding x...
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Please someone else start the list as I'm a bit stuck to be honest.
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Question mainly for theists (atheists welcome to comment though) as a study shows that religious folk are prepared to take risks... Do you take risks as you believe that God will be right behind you?...
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and he appeared in today's world, what would he make of today's Christians, their big elaborate churches and cathedrals, the pope and the Vatican and all their wealth etc... I would imagine he would...
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`Lets face it Religion brings nothing into humanity apart from war and is only used as a power of control and money. What will actually be the final straw when these old books are merely just a joke...
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(Jer. 6:16)...
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According to the Pope, they are: I know two couples who have elected not to have kids, not out of...
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(Warning: contains words that may be considered offensive). What do you think of these words of love from the peace-loving religious community?...
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According to the bible, its authors allegedly inspired by God, he made the stars to give light to the earth and to enable human beings to differentiate between the seasons, whereas the Koran,...
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I would like to wish all my A B friends a very happy new year and most of all a healthy one. Thank you for all the entertainment that you have all provided me with during the year.x...
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I am thinking especially of Fairies and Gods. Neither can be proved because they are imaginary . Neither can they be disproved for the same reason . However that depends on the meaning and definition...
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No wonder the Bible warns: Do not conform outwardly to the standards of this world !—Romans 12:2, And when a person follows God’s counsel, everything he does will succeed? (Psalm 1:3)...
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What do you think, satan is not real,he is just symbolic. Or satan exists,but he has little interest in mankind. Or satan is a powerful spirit creature who exerts great influence on mankind. Because...

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