There was some Bl0ke from Toyota on sky news last night saying that him and his family all had Tyertas and yad yad yada....etc.... working fine, blah blah blah. What accent pronounces Toyota (Toy oat...
Its not the exact same one as the old one but its alot easier to use, go to this link and you can swap between regular and lite, lite is actually quite good!...
I get really embarassed when im asked by guys when my last boyfriend is, as ive never had one. Whats the best answer that avoids you looking like your really weird or without sounding really...
I'm having turkey stir fry with as much garlic and freshly chopped super hot chillies as I can handle. If I do have a nasty cold/virus... the chilli and garlic ought to deal with it....
Hi. My friend has paid twice to meet her idol Chad Kroeger of Nickelback after a gig and I wondered if theres a similar way to get to meet a particular footballer. Apart from watching a match! Cheers!...
This nearly broke my heart. It beggars belief to read that someone can be so wicked, and also begs the question - why did a concerned resident of this estate not report the poor dog earlier? The dying...
My wife asked for a facelift for her birthday. The surgeon took one look at her and then smashed her in the face with a baseball bat.
The improvement was amazing....
He is the most patronising ********* and where does he get the credentials to spout off with the voice of authority? I cringe at watching him and hope some bloke decks him one day although I expect...