21a. Mr Affleck finds lassies for Cincinnati footballers (7)Ben??c?s 14d. Historic English prison or novel Dublin theatre(7) Ne????e 25a.Asian tent you usually reinforce thoroughly at first (4)l???...
14a. Lose one's temper(2,3,2,3) go o?? ?n? ?n?
27a. A false criminal charge brought by the authorities (3-2)
18d An inimitable character (3-3)o?e ???
Many thanks...
17d. Surgically removed part of the skull (9)t?????n?? 20a. Berg adrift scuppered water crossing. (4-6)???t-???d?? 18d. Hammers, whips (8) ?????c?s 23a. Sum of money for West African state(6)???n??...
8/22a. What media might Trump prefer Secret Service mixed up with the east to censure (4,5)?r?e ?r?s?
3d. Might it be nasty to change the North side (5)?n?d?
Many thanks...
5d. A volley of verbal vitriol...with all guns blazing!(9)?r?????d? 18a. Trick or treat, indeed, how one can toy with another to deceive (4,3,3,5) play ??? and ?o?s? 28a If you know your explorers,...
23/24a. Some stock can be the makings of an attached folder(1, 4, 2,6)A ?e?e o? C?t??e
1d. In the arcade, I make up a tasty treat(7,4)m?d?I?? c??e
Many thanks...
12d. Cause hard, impose burden on another (7)i?e???? 21a. Mischievous child to steal with skill? It's most unlikely to happen (13)????o?a?I?a?? 22a. Team leader to embrace quite an increase(7)????o?d...