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Why is the short for Pound ...... lb? Where do the letters come from?
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Does anyone else (apart from me!) pronounce the word February as it is spelt ('Febrewary') rather than the more usual 'Febuwary' & which is correct?
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What does a storm fly look like?
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Are the cheap 20p white loaves steamed rather than baked?
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7 w of the w
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Why does the chocolate harden when put on ice cream?
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Does anyone know any recepies for the drink dandelion and burdock?
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I'd like to know what the name for a black and white squared chequered floor (or any surface) is. I can't get Harlequin out of my mind and I know it's not that. I'm sure this pattern has a name but I...
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Surely if you melt it or smash it to pieces, its still gold? Any ideas.
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I'm *sure* there that one of these words can be put at the beginning of a sentence and *not* form a question, even a retorical (sp?) one. Any help?
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How many apples are in one and a half kilograms?
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I cannot get accents on this form, so sorry about that. The question is, what are your favourite (i.e. most loathed) current cliches? I would like to exclude one-word cliches, such as 'hopefully' and...
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What word, derived from Greek meaning 'out of time' means something in the wrong chronological relationship with other things, especially something old-fashioned or out-dated?
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What is the origin of the phrase 'Cross my heart and hope to die'?
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Years ago when I lived and worked in Jamaica and the Caribbean, I believed "cc:" -- please note the colon, means (1) but now I live in Canada everybody claims (2) instead. Understand, I have never...
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Is it just me, or do other answerbank afficianados get cheesed off with the questions from lazy students? (e.g. blah blah blah, meaning please, thanks...) I suppose we should be grateful for the...
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Do you have to rinse after using washing up liquid? I never do, my parents say I'm lazy and wrong. (Not that it's got anything to do with how I wash up). Can it leave a residue which is harmful?
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anyone know how many grams in a pound?
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does anyone out there believe in astrology? I must say that I am beginning to see the light with regard to it. Can anyone tell me more?
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I am trying to compile a study of words that have the same written word, but means something completely different i.e. I will book seats at the cinema, I bought a book etc

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