There have been several questions lately on "The Chase" about words for groups of animals. Words I have never heard of in 70 years. There was a 'dazzle' of zebras. You can see why it's a good word for...
I half remember a film set in what were then modern times, i.e. when the film was made, not the 19th century, in which Duncan Renaldo (or a lookalike)appeared dressed as the Cisco Kid. It was in a...
It seems to me that, for a few years now, women in the acting profession have been referred to as 'actors'. Why? With some jobs we have one word for men and women -- nurse, doctor, lawyer, barrister,...
Angus's "bookshop" in "Funny Cow". When did you ever see a second-hand book shop with all the books labelled with a small white sticker at the bottom of the spine? On the other hand, when did you see...
I just watched "funny Cow".(Channel 4). i thought the woman at the bottom of the stairs at 53:33 (including adverts) blooked like Cilla Black, but it couldn't have been her, as she died in 2015 and...
I have seen Barbara Charone credited with being the first to call Keith Richards "The Human Riff". But how can I verify this? I've googled (of course), but perhaps I didn't use the right search terms....
I found the following written in pencil by my mother over 60 years ago on a sheet from a cash book. There were no crossings out so I'm certain that she didn't compose it herself. Do you recognise it?...
I recorded and watched the second episode of Champion the Wonder Horse (Talking Pictures TV). I sang along with the opening credits, but when I sang "The time will come when everyone will know the...
At the start of the Jeremy Vine Show on Channel 5, when JV introduces the guests for that morning, his assistant, Storm Huntley, applauds while moving her hands round in a circular fashion. What's...
There was a documentary on Peter Rice, "An Engineer Imagines", on TV. (Still available to watch for 28 days.) One of the contributors said, "Nothingness is the meeting place of the noble traveller." I...
I successfully did the conveyancing on the purchase of our home over 30 years ago. I followed the advice of a book. The book, so far as I can remember, advised us (my wife and me) to purchase as...
The greek equivalent of the letter L is called 'lambda'. But why is there a silent 'b' in it? I assume that a Greek person reciting the alphabet would say 'lam-da' just as we say 'double -yoo' for...
I wonder what the requirements were. "Ability to read essential" That's about it. What other requirements could there be? Perhaps in these times it would be helpful if the applicant were a member of...
Many years ago, late 1950s or early 60s, there was a programme about the golden years of Hollywood. It was hosted/introduced by Dick Powell. The theme tune was Chopin's Étude Opus 10, no 3 (So Deep is...
The advert currently on features a "chunky" man with a few days growth of beard. He was in something where he was fairly stupid, but loveable. What was it?...
At the end of yesterday's episode of "The Greatest", there was a dedication to Jay Benedict, who died in 2020. I wondered what part he had played in the series, but I've been unable to find out. His...
There was a Matt cartoon in the Daily Telegraph yesterday or the day before. Two men are in a jail cell. One says, "You're in for Morocco? I'm doing ten years for a holiday in Cape Town." I don't get...
Please look at the A-Ha video for "Take On Me". It is partially set in a café. There is a waitress who I thought looked a bit like Lynda Baron, but then I thought maybe not. I've looked on IMDb and...
Why should the EU have embassies anywhere? It is not a nation state. If you were a German (or any other nationality in the EU) abroad and had a problem, where would you rather go to -- a German...
When Colin Bell died recently, they showed some of his goals in black and white footage. When he (or anyone else from that era, for that matter) scored a goal, he shook hands with one or two of his...