There's a lot of talk about a no-fly zone in Libya, as if everyone understands what it would mean. Is it a threat to attack aircraft and, if so, wouldn't it be tantamount to a declaration of war? For...
Has anyone out there in answerbank land - who is not a ' risky' or ' young' driver - had a reduction in car insurance premium quote ; by adding a named driver to the quote details ?
my girlfriend slipped at work and broke her finger in two places.The thing is she works for me!!I think she should claim on a no win no fee basis,but my other two family directors think that ,that...
i recently went through a set of traffic lights just as they turned red, i know i am at fault and if i get prosecuted then fair enough, but the camera did not flash, does this mean it wasn't live or...
can anyone tell me why the majority of commercial vehicles are white? I think its because its probably the cheapest colour to produce. Thanks in advance.
http://www.dailymail....tml?ito=feeds-newsxml Would you be happy to sample ? Afterall we drink cows milk - dont we ? We digest human bodily fluids by for example, kissing dont we - tongues and all ?...
Read a book based in the days when the plague was about. I didn't know it could kill in a day. How was it eradicated in those primitive times or did it just die out and why don't we see it today?
Me first (obviously). There's a programme called The Best House Wins, or something like that. Four members of the public vote on each others houses, and the winner gets £1,000. A couple of weeks...
Last Week We Met For The First Time, I Liked Him, He Liked Me, We Kissed. Last Night He Kissed Her, He's Known Her A Long Time, The're So Close, I Think She Likes Him, I'm Not Sure If He Likes Me As...
We know there are theories about HOW life began but has there ever been any attempt to work out where? So that we can say, just behind that palm tree, or under that Tesco's parking space, or next to...
...On his show on Smooth Radio this morning,Simon Bates made a big thing of never having heard the word 'chillax' before.He even played an extract from East Enders last night when it was used.A quick...
I'm a massive fan of Ice Road Truckers ( Alaskan Style ) What is Lisa doing in this ' deadliest roads' version . I know the Alaskan oil fields journeys are dangerous - but this Deadliest Road version... Last year, Vince Cable made a remark that he had "declared war" on Rupert Murdoch and was subsequently stripped of his involvement in deciding...
Do you think he knows the wedding list is now closed or will they be able to squeeze another table in the corner