My neighbour has excavated along the boundary line leaving a sheer 12-15ft drop which is now eroding significantly, I have 2 toddlers so i'm worried about them falling, he nailed some stock wire to my...
One would think that a person who could think rationally would be consistent about it. But this seems not to be so. Below is a thread about a chap who rejects God but believes in an afterlife, even...
Hi, i need some sensible answers please (!) i have always considered myself a fairly laid back person. A few weeks ago one of my friends and his girlfriend came to stay for a couple of nights. When...
I apologise if this question isn't in the correct topic but I honestly can't think of what to list it under so here goes... Does anyone know the difference between grade 304 stainless steel tube and...
Does anyone have a straightforward method for sharpening small diameter HSS twist drill bits please? I've just bought quite a few new drill bits - tungsten coated, cobalt and HSS. However, that leaves...
Why do guys tickle girls? I was talking to my bf and my cousins were tickling me and he said "well sometime I'm gonna have to come over and tickle you"
I had to go to the hospital because of persistent cystitis. I had all the tests to see if there was any underlying cause and thank goodness there wasn't. However, to try to get rid of it the professor...
hi all, first of all i am no scientist and i do know the earth is not "ball" shaped but could some one please tell me if this theory could be poss. you know if you put a golf ball on to a...
I know how to do this certain thing in chemistry, and have even done a past exam question on it, but can't remember what the terminology is that describes it and I can't find that past exam in my...
2010. According to news reports this looks like being the coldest December for a century, since records began in 1910, and there's still January to come. I expect it won't be long before we hear the...
this was an answer from william We apologise to hear that you are experiencing issue when accessing our site. The common caused for this issue is the time and date of your computer could be...
I feel so very low and on edge today. After a recent relationship ending and really not knowing why (although it was an unhealthy relationship that stripped my self esteem bla bla)i can't help that i...
It is said that the Younger Dryas ice age 11,000 years ago may have been caused by the Gulfstream stopping due to a flood of fresh water entering the North Atlantic either from the Arctic or Lake... Why is it assumed ( from the diagram) that we all originated from one common ancestor when the latest find shows its DNA to be completely different from...
just gone back to windows xp because of bad virus on vista,anyway i have tried tonight to have a bet with william hill and got this message "the sites security certificate is not trusted"...
Hi, just wondered if anyone has used OpenOffice as opposed to Microsoct 2007 and if so what are their opinion on it. I want word and Excel but dont want to fork out the £100+ price tag Thankd...