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What was the song in the Road Safety ad.It goes something like this: #....Shout, shout, shut your mouth. If go to fast your gonna crash...#
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Does anyone know how to make those Nachos you get in Cinemas?
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What does it mean when someone nominate you as their God parent? What responsibilties is expected of you?
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The recorded message said theres a charge if you press 3. How much is it?
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On Top Of The Pops last Friday,  Audio Bullys, 'Shot You Down' was shown. Does anyone know the name of the first girl dancer in the intro. of the track? She look very fimilar.
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Whenever I want to view a picture my computer lunches Internet Explorer in order to view it. Is there a free download software I can use? Many thanks
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Movies always portrays that if you jump from a bridge or fall from a plane into the sea you won't survive. Is it true?
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A question for women A man waits at bus stop with you, he deliberately grab his crotch for your attention. You try to ignore him, but he persist by harassing you with some pleasantries....
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Does anyone know there's a law that requires you to pay an annual licence fee for having background music playing at a business establishment i.e. Hairdressers, Restaurants, Pubs etc....
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I recently replaced my hard drive due to bad sector problems. My total disk space is 6Gb which I partitioned into C:\=4Gb and D:\=2Gb. I want to use my D:\ as backup/restore my windows 98 set up...
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I have an Email sent to with PDF attachment but I think my AVG anti virus automatically assumes it's a dangerous file so it has deleted the attachment it says 'OE removed access to the following...
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How easy is it to emigrate to another country i.e. Australia, America, Europe, Canda etc. if you hold a British passport with a family? What criterial do you need?
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Anyone seen the lastest Ad from Fanta? The one with people drinking the drink then spitting it out. It certainly top the KFC Ad for the most off putting Ad. I caught it today accidently with my 3...
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Does anyone know of any films which have a group of people drawing the short straws?
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Are they both related?
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I must of missed the news. About 6 or 7 years ago there were quite a large number of petrol station opening approximate to each other. Why is it so many petrol stations have closed...
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I made a purchase for a business about a couple of months ago but cancelled the purchase for nearly a month now. I left ?3000 worth of deposit with the agency who is selling the business assured...
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Do you have to be register unemployed in order to apply for the jobs that is available in theirbooks?
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How is it produce?
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Who are those humanoid figures near the end. Are they robots, aliens or human which has evolved?

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