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When was the last time you said or were told "I love you"? (to anyone, for any reason) x
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Im 15 and i still cant fit into a size A and i really need to know how to get bigger boobs without getting surgery or using pills or cream. its kinda emberssing when i go to school and all my friends...
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Can a nerve re grow when it has been taken out by the Dentist? I had a fall last year and smashed my front tooth exposing the nerve so it was removed and I had temporary filling stuff packed onto the...
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What famous person do you fancy? but probably shouldnt :-)
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hey, my mate wants to get he's belly pierced and was just wondering is it weird for men to get their bellies pierced? any men out there got their bellies pierced? does it hurt? is the ring or stud...
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Does anyone feel concerned about the prevalence of premarital sex as I do? I was engaged to my wife (then my fiancee) for about 4 years and we did not have sex until our wedding night, during our...
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Having seen the advert for this, does anyone else think the "expert" trying to sell Pentapeptides Looks like she uses something slightly more injectable than Olay regenerist?
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What films make you cry, my wife says Im an old softie but i would include BBC version Pride and Prejudice Scrooge Love Actually
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C4 at 8 o'clock + 8.30 watch it its brilliant!!
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how can i make my curser igger
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I've got a thing for older men at the moment, think Ross Kemp (Grant Mitchell)!! I've never been that bothered before- not my usual type! Is it just a phase? x
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Is there only me who finds earrings on young children and especially babies revolting? I went shopping today (I do go out occasionally!) and I lost count of the number of toddlers I saw with them in....
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whats the best bit of advice you can give me?
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Has anyone got involved with someone who is married? Did it work out/end in tears? I'm interested in hearing about this as I have a friend who might potentially get involved with someone who is...
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Just wondering exactly how much do they wax? Also, how long does the hair need to be. Anyone had any bad experiences (or good)?
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my sister is considering calling her unborn son diesel. i find this a odd name and i dont really like it. anyone elses views?
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can anyone offer a remedy for mucas/catarrh and how does the body produce such huge quantities minute after minute for days on end
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How many people wear big pants during this time? I can see the point of wearing big pants because of sanitary towels but I only use tampons and still wear big pants! Is anybody else like this? I think...
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i dont no if this is in the right section but. i work with four male colleges and i admit that i flirt with them but not in a silly flirty way if u no wat i mean. in a friendly way. the thing is i...
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What, in your opinion, is the TV programme that has unduly received little or no amount of fame but you consider to be a gem? Mine is the Rob Brydon show Director's Commentary which was hilarious.

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