...after Notre-Dame reopening. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c05ppeym6jro A diplomatic step towards repairing the damage done by Labour's unruly mouths? ...
1d.Convert the submarine to musical instruments (11)????o?????s 2d. Hastily put together a method of achieving lustre(6,2)????l? ?? 3a. One,Alex and hooray(involving pairs of hips)[5,6]???e? ... ...
A Ex Tory Mp who earned £70,000 on the side when he was a serving MP showed "blatant disregard" in failing to register earnings with The Commons Standards Commitee While being employed as a... ...
One clue still to solve - Mountains are limits with map to be produced [8,4]: -A-I-I-E -L-S Also a query re: Manage pools removing close to ten planktonic creatures [8]: COPEROD- Should... ...
I know this subject has been done to death at times on AB but I would be interested to hear... 1) If you are a believer (maybe had some unexplained experience) what would convince you that there is... ...
I have read that the inhalation of smoke from open fires are as unhealthy to breathe in, as smoking. Is there anything that is safe to burn in my open fireplace please?
Hi folks, have you ever come across a famous person by accident? I've seen Bob Mortimer in a McDonald's early one day in London, didn't want to disturb him as it seemed inappropriate. Have you... ...
Neither my wife nor I are interested in taking photos although we do so when necessary. I need to take a close up photo in real size and email it keeping the original size. How? The closer I get the... ...
Insurers will use any excuse they can dream up, not to pay a claim – this is getting ridiculous. I recall they tried claiming fitting a roof-rack was a modification that invalidated the... ...
9a utensil, brass, associated with sleep over (8) ?A?C???? 21a Biden-Trump's more helpful tham Trump-Biden's (in faith and overtly)? (8) ????O?E? Thanks in advance
While sizing something I was about to scan on my HP 1514 printer, I mistakenly right-clicked on something and now all I get is a black screen with the name of the printer, 'Scan' and a blue circle... ...
Have you ever bumped into someone you know in the most unlikely of places? I met someone I know on a far flung tropical beach - and another in the loos at St Peter's in Rome.
I had to laugh at the cover picture of Private Eye - a picture of HRH Princess Anne pinning a medal (MBE) on Gregg Wallace - and his speech bubble is saying,"Another woman of a certain age trying... ...
I don't know about you but I find people, on the whole, less kind, more rude and impatient and generally less helpful now than before Covid, and possibly more aggressive and selfish. Other people I... ...