I parked behind one of those squashed Range Rovers (Evoque?) this weekend at the petrol pumps, it was brand new and the driver had mis-fuelled with diesel. He was too scared to start it and move away...
i need good quality reading glasses, my eyes are getting increasingly worse over past year. i fear i will not only need readers but will need to wear them all the time. i seen bench designer glasses...
I suppose that I could Google this. but there are lots of knowledgeable people on here. How many books are there in the "Clifton Chronicles", and what are their titles in sequence?...
My smoke alarm, mains with a battery in case of a fire during a power out, (I'd be having a really bad day if that happened) started to cheep. I replaced the battery and it's still squawking. What...
I have methodically worked this out and checked all my answers once but have obviously gone wrong somewhere as my answer doesn't match any of the possibilities! I have made the answer either...
We recently bought series 1 and 2, having missed it when broadcast. Now we are keen to purchase series 3 and 4. Thumbing through the pages of eBay I notice a lot of those offered for sale say, Region...
Just had a phone call - came up as international which gets me ready for a fight!!! Turns out someone at my address has had a minor road accident - NOT! Chap claimed to be from Road Traffic...
For over 50 years living in the UK I have been pronouncing strength as 'strenth'. Recently on BBC 4 I have heard the Open University people saying strength with a hard 'g' between the 'stren' and the...
Honda Accord Problem I have a Honda Accord 2ltr (2000). On Christmas Day we were travelling at 70 Mph on a dual carriageway and heard a screeching noise coming from the engine. We pulled into a layby...
I got my mum a Kindle Paperwhite for her Christmas and she loves it. Mr P has struggled to find me a birthday present this year, and I was toying with the idea of getting one for myself. I know that...
Hubby's car has just had a message flash up on screen "check injection" and the car is not pulling as it should do...having problems going up the hill. For the last few weeks there has been a funny...
I often encounter plastics and cardboard combined in the same packaging material and wonder which recycling bin to put it in. A prime example is the fruit juice / milk carton, cardboard but with...
We had a lovely holiday earlier this year in Avignon. It was on a river, had an historic 'old' quarter from 12th century and lots of winding streets to explore. Is there any where else like this in...
We need them, and i'm being serious. In the town where I live, there are none, and the police have no interest in parking problems. Ergo, park where you wish, esp. on double yellow lines. Disabled...
I purchased car insurance online this morning which will take effect from 28th December. My current providers have me covered until 29th. Three hours after purchasing my new policy a car smashed into...
Engineer said the section where the fat is congealed is sealed and cannot be opened, so I presume cannot be cleaned out. Therefore water won't go in at all, this was my problem. Is it possible to...
Did the fella on eggheads on the not egghead say when Dermot said you go to the room "I suppose I have to do something now" .just had a thought if these so call stars are on celebrity whatever and...
Santa has brought a Kindle Fire AND a a Kindle Paperwhite for us this Christmas. The Fire has a mains/USB charger. The Paperwhite has to be charged from a USB port. Can I use the charger on the...