I recently got a new laptop (win 8) and it has the hard drive split into 2 halves - c & d my old laptop (win 7) originally had this function and i found it a bit annoying - and when i reformatted, i...
Hi, I have a samsung DVD-SH855M player/recorder. I have put scart to tv and player and also put tv aerial to the RF in but i get a blue screen which says no signal. As i am a 62 year old lady who i...
I have two Phillips HD video recorders. The remote controllers work on the same wavelength (is this the correct expression?). I have attempted to use them in the same room when connected to AV1 and...
My PC has shown a pop up telling me " The file or directory "C" is corrupt and unreadable please run the Chkdsk utility " How do I do this, or would it be safer to take it to the repair shop ?....
So, the commercial depicts a scene from the Middle Ages with the tag line "The trouble is they *tasteth* too good".
How can anyone really be so ignorant? Does no-one check these things?...
Been out this morning and parked in Disabled bay but forgot to put my badge on display. Came back to a parking charge on the windscreen. On checking this, they have got my reg number wrong. What...
I am considering buying a new car and I have found there are companies that negotiate with main dealers and obtain a considerable discount, which they pass on to the buyer - minus a commission, of...
Does anyone use one of these, and what make is it. My commute to work is becoming more like wacky races every week and I would like to be able to record any potential incidents for insurance purposes....
Having not given thought to this for decades, I find myself searching for an old product that I used 30-40 years ago to remove spots from my clothing. I remember that it was in a sturdy clear glass...
went out in car down M2 today (ford mondeo )and when doing 70-75mph felt shuddering big time went a bit faster to 80mph then it stopped,tyres ok and tyre pressure ok any ideas please?
Following Clarion's thread on bumper stickers, how about number plates? Not the poncy sort eg K 4 KEV but clever ones. One I saw years ago H 1 DHY, wplated as Hi D HY DRS 1 C, plated as DR SIC and a...
I need to put a fence in and want to treat the posts so that they don't rot. I gather bitumen is now banned for this so what replaces it ? there are loads of products out there but they seem to be...
Interior walls have been covered with what looks like a mixture of sand and paint. Some of this is coming off in bits. The owners suspect this surface was put on to conceal cracks underneath, but wish...
Puppy keeps going round the back of TV (as they do ) and she's chewed at the yellow cable that connects Internet to the "You view" box and yes we have lost the internet connection. I have stripped...