18 hand over money after purchase in store(4 6 )answer starts with a letter between I-M 28 climbing a hill by bike (9) 29 Victor is chopping down trees on video answers start with a letter between S-W...
1. Approaches damaged nostrils from a medical point of view (5) N?A??
2. I get out of a situation thats becoming less valuable with age, criticising it harshly as as i go (11) ??P?E?A?I?G...
I have nearly always downloaded photographs from my Panasonic Lumix camera to my PC, laptop or memory stick. Now I find that whenever I download them the originals seem to be automatically deleted...
I have to put together a panoramic street-scene as part of a Planning Appeal. I have the individual photographs to hand and each of the properties is snapped from the same distance. I thought...
Lots of online vids suggesting so.... Starvation and famine. War & rumors of war? Earthquakes, Nation rising against Nation, (Matthew 24) And then we have Revelation and its infamous 'Beast' system....
The team is doing dreadfully at the moment, but i hope it will come right for the world cup. I am still disappointed at the golden opportunity they had at Euro 2020 and blew it. Any comments?....
2) Quick and Sharp 4 letters
4) Rip off some warm clothing 6 letters
5) very small queen 6 letters
Don't know where this quiz came from Sent from a friend and blank on the other side....
Gymnastic Contortion 8 Poor Family Acquires Wealth Sitcom 7 and 11 Harry Potter Character 6 and 9 Buy On Line After Store Closure 9 Any help with these final four answers would be much appreciated....
Hi My dad who is coming up to eighty still drives a car. I went out with him the other week, and was shocked how poor his reactions are , to potential dangerous situations. He doesn’t check his rear...
I'm helping a neighbour get back online after a long absence due to illness. She has a laptop with Windows 7 which she is thinking of resurrecting. I know W7 is no longer supported and I believe using...