Can anyone help please.
Answers are Islands of the World
1) Not the best of places to paddle, unless you were an old Boy Scout (8).
2) Nicola Sturgeon might like to lead this one? (4,6)....
What, if any, are the rules regarding having a dropped kerb outside your home that is only two gates width, but due to the angle and position of the drive, there are four gates. This means that two...
33a. Extremely harsh about the lorry you gave out on loan, by the sound of it (9) t?u???e?? 10 & 11a Something's about to happen, so don't look at any other array of galaxies (5,4,5) 8d To be fair,...
Because of the way that TV credits are squashed up into a corner of the screen while they advertise the next programme, I was unable to read the name of the film to which credit was given courtesy of...
28. Tangled lace is holding on tight at the end of farm building.
34. They might be common or grey
39. Our transport's in the car after his
54. A plane sounds to move over ice.
Thank you...
1d. “Expire!” Says the doctor, as one must do. (3, 7) ?????H? O?T. 8a. Beware of the catch brought back from an endless party! (4) ???P. 10a. Now, how without moccasins could the Mohicans run like...
1 Felt initially very wobbly, was it the greens? 2 This car is available initially in black, maroon or white 3 Yorkshire river has a great wading bird 4 This car goes like the desert wind 5 This...
Hi, we're just getting used to our heating system, having had a coke fire with a back boiler since we moved in about thirty years ago. In October 2019 (so this is our second Winter) we had a new...