My car insurance is due for renewal 1st March, and my Buildings & Contents at the end of March. Around this time of year the searches start to appear on my credit files. Admittedly I changed my car...
It’s 6.15, and I have just seen a finch flying and hopping round the rafters of my garage. The light has been on since about 4, so he must have flown in shortly after that. If he finds his way out...
Had a sight test a few days ago, last one was about 18 months ago. Although I did get the puffing air into the eyes, the test with the optician which lasted less than 10 minutes, was done entirely on...
Family holiday in a few weeks. My daughter has to inject herself fortnightly with medication that needs to be kept cold. I am trying to find something that will do this, but all I can find are...
Towards the end of last year, I started downloading brochures and test driving cars. On the Ford site, they were showing a Mustang that was going to be available in the UK in 2015. I kept checking...
I’ve just seen what I believe to be a stoat (light brown fur, dark tipped tail) running around on the terrace. Should I be saying “Aw, that’s cute”, or viewing it as disease riddled vermin...
3 times in the last week, I have seen a hawk come and take a blackbird from the area of the garden where I put the food. Just wondering why it’s always the blackbirds, when I get lots of other birds...
A property is held In Trust for the owners children, but if the owner has to go into a nursing home, does the Trust mean that Social Services can’t use the property to fund the care?
When I am on AB on my iPad, it constantly crashes: the page freezes, then disappears leaving a fuzzy home screen (I can only tell it’s the home screen because of the colour), then goes to a clear...
Not really sure which category I should post this in, but as you use fireworks in the garden, I hope I’ve got it right! We didn’t get to use the fireworks this year due to lousy weather, and there...
but as the countryside and green belt have been mentioned, I thought I would start a new one as it is a subject that concerns me greatly. We are constantly being told of the need to build more houses,...
Michael Fallon is appealing to MP’s to reconsider the case for air strikes in Syria. What do you think? And as Russia and Egypt are pretty miffed at the UK...
Absolute 'scraping the bottom of the barrel' rubbish at the moment? Don't know which was creepier - Les in his underpants or Les being Christine! And can they please replace Ben with someone with at...
I have been trying to find out the title and singers of a song for many years. Posting the few lyrics that I know on various sites has never given me an answer. I have now found a clip on youtube...
are these vile Islamic State people referred to as "so called"? Surely they are either called Islamic State, or they're not. And what happened to them being referred to as ISIL? (Whatever that stood...
There is a nest in my satellite dish, which has been used by collared doves. Currently there is 1 adult on the nest, but just below but not immediately underneath, there are 2 steps. There is a young...