like it or loath it? i think its americas best ever comedy show, what is your favourite episode? mine has to be the one where chandler and monica are buyin a house and janice is also buying one next...
Why all the fuss about Tevez and his eligability to play for the Hammers? All WHU had to do was quote The Liverpool Rule which allowed his mate Mascherano to play for the R*D S***E when it was clear...
in the street i live in we have some one who every day is coming down our street in a hgv waggon(grab) he parks on the footpath half and half he parks opposite parked cars dropping loads off at his...
hi everyone, really unexpected as was told i may not be able to have children but IM PREGNANT! I was 5 weeks yesterday and this will be my 1st child! didnt even realise I had missed my period until...
Who else agrees that the time has come to get obese drivers off the road. Just you watch these horrible lumps of lard getting into a car if you get chance. Squeezing in behind a steering wheel that is...
there used to be a pie shop in widnes called 'the pie shop' must have stayed up all night thinking of that name! the thing is he used to make the best bean and burger pie, does anybody know how i...
I have a new Nokia 6103 mobile, bluetooth enabled, also a bluetooth 'dongle' to plug into the computer, which I understand is supposed to do away with the need for a cable. So far I haven't discovered...
how do i use it what programs can i use my bluetooth dongle on my phone is samsung d500 want to download mp3s to my phone from computer got no instuctions just installation disk with driver no...
We are having a lot of problems with wood lice at the moment, its that bad that they are even coming through the jets in the jaccuzi. I sweep them up and lo and behold, there's another thats took its...