Hello all - is it just me or is it a proven fact that every Friday at work seems to be longer than any other day of the week. also, do you think that friday seems like a week in itself? - so can...
Have any of you guys been famous for anything? I haven't, except for being in a little known pop group, The Spice Girls. We weren't very good. <a...
Does anybody actually like this guy? I quite like his music, but he is one of the most prententious people I have ever seen. I'm sure if he were chocolate he would eat himself. Who else 'bugs' you (if...
Someone at work just asked me if i'd seen any wasps yet this year and i realised i hadn't. Lots of bumble bees but no wasps. We're in Manchester by the way. Has anyone seen them anywhere else ? We...
Anyone in here drive a Saxo VTR?.... I've got one and am considering selling it but dnt no how much to sell it for, its done 32,000 miles and is a 2001 model with 2 tiny clean dents on the driver...
I realise that this question has been asked before, but do any ABer's have any genuine knowledge about the casting of the next Bond? (any employees of Eon or MGM out there?) Go on, be a devil, I won't...
Decided i'm definitely going for a birthday beer after work. Especially with the weather being so good ! I'll be at the Piggy in Romiley near Stockport. Get there for 6 and i'll get you a beer ! No...
acn anyone tell what the attraction is to 50 cent? he has no talent, all his songs aer bsaically about him gettign laid and i think, well id rather not know mate! oh and why the hell can he not close...
Very personal and probably rude question but how old is everyone on here? Just interested to know the average age of the ABer! I'm 29. Oh yeah, and any nice single men around? No...
Am I the only one who hates all this stifling heat? There are only so many clothes you can take off to keep cool, you can't do any strenuous (sp?) activity or you go all red, you have to worry about...