I've just realised that for the last couple of weeks I've logged in to BBC Radio 6 as my first choice... Mainly because initially that Chris Moyles annoyed me in the morning but it's now become my...
They are a nuisance when they build nests in my loft. Annoy me when Im having a drink in the garden. Sting me when I get rid of them. What are they for?
Howdy folks. If I was to leave my job during the notice period, is it legal for my employer to withhold my wages? Thanks a bunch. Now back to the ranch.
Hi Brenda sweetie , I just wanted to let you know that Skippy was re-homed this morning with new owners who took him just after 11.30 . I thank you for your interest in him hun , I know you wanted him...
Did anyone else think that Bank Holiday was tomorrow? I was planning to fly home tomorrow, and then back at work on Tuesday. So I just phoned T1 to get her to meet me off the plane tomorrow ... ......
It's going to be a fine, sunny day here in Gloucestershire. I'm going to have a lazy day watching the Grand Prix on the idiot box and doing a bit of quality control on some real ale. Have a good day...
my partner is a security guard in a department store and they have had an evacuation chair in case of fires but no manual handling training to transfer disabled people into them who are in...