When did 'incredible' become the popular intensifier that it now is ? It seems that everyone (apart from me!) now uses it, whether they are academics in TV documentaries, politicians or footballers,...
"Balloon Day" (I bet it'll be a let down in the end), "Clean Your Desk Day" (I am beginning to think some of these are made up) and most importantly: "Play God Day" While...
Another long shot. I recall a song containing the lyrics: Susie's got a boy she likes, and his name is ? ? The Chorus went: And you can bet it'll be the biggest night of her life. Can anyone help plz?
I've got a flat piece of magnetic material that measures 30mm long by 20mm wide and 3mm thick. You've all got something similar at home at it's the magnetic part of a broken fridge magnet. I've...
Anyone remember the music to the old Manikin cigar ads of the late sixties/early seventies? A bikini girl walking out of the sea (just to jog your memory). A version of this was recorded by Manfred...
im just curious...whenever i read about world war 1 or 2, there is always the mention of propaganda... is there any modern day properganda that anyone knows of? all i can think of are the increasing...