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I would like some discs cut out of 3mm metal. They must be 22.5mm in diameter (need to be pretty accurate). Would this be something needed to be done by CNC machining. If any 1 can give mw a quote for...
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The traditonal windmill has a 'paddle' behind the blades which ensures that the mill always faces into the wind. Presumably modern electricity generating wind turbines change direction - but how?
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When in a warm room, if you switch a fan on it blows cool air and not warm air as you are in a warm room, why is this ???
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hi just wondered is it more energy efficient to use an electric kettle or a stove kettle (heated off the hob)?? Is it cheaper too?? Please help! ta
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dan no1
how do chickens form perfectly oval shaped eggs?
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at one point i downloaded a song from a web page, but here is the weird part; it was a text document! the file could be opened in a notepad program, displaying lots of technical mumbo jumbo. but it...
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we live in rented accommodation and our landlord has just got, what we consider to be, cowboys in for a cheap job. On initial inspection we were told by the electrician that all wiring would be hidden...
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It was always said that even if you could build a battery as large as Everest, no more than 1.8 volts could be had from it. The digital camera I bought came with two batteries each marked showing a...
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We have tried several types of weed killer for our BLOCK PAVING drive but weeds are still a persistent problem. has anyone used and found a EFFICIENT weed killer they have used and found to be 100%...
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I want to paint horizontal stripes on a wall, but I'm not sure of the best way to tackle it. Do I paint the main colour first, the mask over it and do the stripes, or do I do the stripes first, the...
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What's the best can opener on the market. It doesn't need to be pleasing to the eye, just easy to use, able to go into the dishwasher, and last longer that a month when all the ones I buy seem to...
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i need to take a inch off the side and bottom of a door is it an electric plain i need or is there another way
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hey im a newbie here and i was just wondering in the notice it asks to post Advert help in the Advert section, its just i cant find the Advert part in the Topics, how do i get to it?! Thanks
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we got a robin in our garden ! i think it may be nesting in the conifers. im quite chuffed because i was told they are terretorial. was quoted as one bird/pair to a couple of square miles. i know that...
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Princess Sue
I have a loft opening with a pull down ladder, but the opening is just a hinged piece of plywood with a 2" bolt to keep it shut. (It's a bit homemade looking - and tacky!) I once saw a very neat...
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I recently purchased a Navman iCN 520 and found it has a speed facility. Does anyone know how accurate this is as the Navman shows 70 when my car speedo shows almost 80!! All the readings on the car...
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Can anyone help please? I was in a bar last night and the dj was playing 70's songs such as "I specialise in Love" by Sharon Brown, he played a track by a female singer and the...
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I have a large music collection on my pc, to free up space, i was considering burning to all to dvds, can i then later if i wish transfer from dvds to cds so they can be played on stereos or car cd...
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dan no1
i got caught speeding the first time and have a fine and getting 3 points on my licence. i need to send off my driving licence to get them put on. does anyone know how long they will have it for. i...
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Someone who plays imaginary musical instruments? (Not just guitars). I heard it on the radio years ago, but immediately forgot it.

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