I have 12 miniature bottles of 3 star courvoisier brandy bought 1990's and found in loft, they are unopened and in a rather grubby gift box. Can I sell them and where and how much can I realistically...
It has only just occurred to me how much CB resembles the long-established, but perhaps now defunct, tradition of exchanging handwritten letters and photographs with people in distant places. Did any...
Hello Ed and Auntie I understand that the word bloody was recently removed from the swear filter. Any chance the word c r a p can be let through too? I don't think it's any more offensive than poop or...
I'm stumped on two today so would be grateful for help.
12a) Strange fancy from member of academy on strike (7) ????E?A
2D) Commonly permitted by law to adopt son, but scarpers (4,2) L??? ??...
I have been contacted in my capacity as a writer to proof and edit a document, and asked for a quote. We have agreed a fee, and I have asked for £50 deposit. The client advises me that a cheque has...
I am looking for various suggestions on how to keep website logon details, and other "computer based" information, secure. I am pretty clued up on computers, but just registered for online banking for...
Hello Abers I bought a bottle of Camp coffee which I remember seeing 35 years ago but never had it. I made a milky coffee with it, which was nice and want to try and use it for other...
Ive seen a sign on ebay that says -
"Christmas at the (family surname)"
my partner and our children have the surname King
how do I word this sign
Kings, Kings' or King's...
http://news.sky.com/story/1356889/two-pillar-eu-offers-pm-hope-on-migration Personally I cannot see the EU allowing anything like this, plus we could not rtust a future labour Government rules by...
A lot of Scotts feel betrayed by Labour following the referendum. Looks like ED may well struggle north of the border....
After the G/E election next may, when the Conservatives are in opposition,
do you think that Cameron will appear as a stronger leader when in opposition than he does now????...
Capital letter in ( ) is a title, others are names
1. C. washing aid with changed cave
2. (M) guillotine observer
3. W. Lily the Pink character
4. A. shortened journal with evil woman...
I collected the 8.5 year old twins from school today. They were very excited. "Nana we have been licensed" I asked what they meant. " we have been licensed to use a pen" I asked what that meant. They...