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Did Sir Patrick Sarsfield have any descendents, and if so does the line still exist?
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What was the role of Puritan ministers?
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How was the leader that founded the colony of Georgia?  What were the reasons it was founded?
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What were the reasons behind why this happened please?
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i read that king herod had sex with his dead wife for 7 years -is there any truth in this? thx
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hello ive heard the myth that if a black cat crosses your path it is bad luck does this count if you actually see one or if it just runs in front of you, would there be any use of turning around and...
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What is another name for greek goddess Iris??   T-A-M-N-I-S
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can anyone tell me what servants a nobleman with a big castle had in the middle ages?
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Aaron harry
what did the forty niners set out to do
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I promise this is not a joke posting, but you know when you're walking outside and you feel a drip and nothing more comes of it (i.e. it doesn't start to rain) does anyone wonder if a bird has...

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