In the following sentence, there is the name of a hidden flower. 'The trainee astronauts watched Wilbur dock the craft with great skill.' I can see one possibility, Burdock, but I thought this was a...
Help needed please to solve last few. A. Aussie XIs are good at this sort of sliding,( 8 letters.) B. Old fur can turn into red leader,( 6 letters). C. 12th Night King of Mischief, (4, 2, 7 letters)...
The family clubbed together to buy me an ipad for my birthday, on which they put the game Angry Birds. It's so addictive it has kept me quiet for weeks, but now that I've completed all the levels, I...
What is the maximum score one can achieve in tenpin bowling? I'm guessing it's 300, but would appreciate confirmation from someone who could give me the definitive answer. Many thanks.
Could someone please settle a 'Difference of opinion'? How many points are there on a compass? There are three of us arguing that it's 32, or 16, or 4. A decision would be welcome. Many thanks.
In the 1850's. 340,000 people set sail to Australia from Liverpool. What news caused them to do this? Any help to solve this would be much appreciated. Thank you
Could someone please settle a difference of opinion. How many points are there on a compass? The suggestions so far given have been 4, 16 and 32. A definitive answer would be welcome. Many thanks.
I would be grateful for any help on the last three questions which have flummoxed me. 1. In snooker what colour balls are placed on the baulk line at the frame's start? 2. On a cricket score card what...
Tavelling from King's Cross to Edinburgh by train, is the highest point passed in Lincolnshire, Yorkshire or Durham? Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks.
Answers are Christmas carols and songs. I am unable to complete the last three and would be really grateful for any help. Thank you, in hope!
1 T S F 2. S H L O A B O S 3. C A J T C...
I'm unsure of the answer to this cryptic football team question. ' Which switch is the right switch for?' I can only think of Ipswich, but can't see the reason! Can anyone help please?
'Solemn A, Sombre C etc'. is one football team,' Leaver + County town 'is the other.. Also, could 'Which switch isthe right switch for?' be Ipswich? I'm clueless when it comes to football teams, so...
The answer to each of these is a place. Clue 1. The Roman's 500 surplus. Clue 2. Aeronautically Lancashire had the Lancaster bomber whilst Yorkshire had the ? 3. Tails it's Noversea, heads it's ? Many...
The pigeons visiting the garden have multiplied very noticeably in the past three years. Unfortunately, they 've decimated most of the flowering buds of the two philadelphus shrubs, again, leaving...
Centre, left and right half backs are positions in which Antipodean sport. I tried this in Sport but hoping for more success here. Any help would be much appreciated.
My daughter was given this puzzle for the Nintendi DS at Christmas, and has completed all three files. Can these files be deleted so that she can re-do the puzzles or is that whole game now complete...