Help please for link words as follows 9) toilet - walk -lucky 10) over - plant - white (can only think of fly) 23) enough - small - no .... many thanks in advance
I'm hopeless at cryptic quizzes. I know several of you are a whizz at these and enjoy a challenge. Very grateful for any help with these please. 1. pleasure in Ankara (7, 7) 2. Grasp a confused... ...
I've been working on this on and off for a few days and am struggling with my final four. The girl bottom left carrying a book. The books that all reference Troy The door sign The wedding portrait Any... ...
Dingbat- books from childhood and beyond. 1. Capital D in top left of square with arrow pointing towards it from right to left, 6x lower case d's across bottom of square. Thank you for any help you... ...
Section 1 is Dingbats of childhood and beyond books. It is No.10 which is the word Where on 4 rows under each other and a black dot after the 2nd Where. Section 3 is Animals with an animal,... ...
Found another one with a couple to finish . Any help appreciated Answers are colours : 17) Sounds like a beauty from the Deep South (7) 28) Sounds as if you cant drive off without this . (5) Thank... ...
Help please. 2/ Good and naughty all children have excuses acronym . 3/ Mixing coffee with theme, 11/ The first solution goes off with a bang, 13/ Pull unclear have, 19/ A Billy goat is one dairy... ...