Any help would be appreciated 6. His number is said to be unlucky(5) 9. Mellors(10) 16. Their tipple is whiskey(7) 20. Burden him with all trades(10) 32. Protect the change in London(8,5) 34. Musical...
First line of paragraph considered undesirable in publishing (6) o---a- Teaching reading by correlating alphabetic letters with sound values (7) --o-i-s Ten householders collectively responsible (7)...
im really struggling with the last few so some help is greatly appreciated 3d wickedness T?R?I?U?E 31d kidded, misled(3,2) H?D ?N (i did put led on but house in the xmas phrase gave it the letter h)...
I know I'm going to have egg on face with this but, please help: 54d: Not making profitable or efficient use of resources. U-E-O-O-I- Many thanks in advance and A Merry Christmas to All
Stumped on last one. 51a: Off-road motorcycle designed for riding cross-country; also a device used to encode messages. S-r-c-l-r. I'd be grateful for any help.
This was printed in Simon Hoggart's column in last Saturday's Guardian. I just don't get it. It's probably very simple and I'm missing the obvious, but could someone please explain it to me: Andropov...
8A, What does everyone think of this one. Damaged does not seem enough for wrecked and ravaged seems too much for harmed. Would be greatful for your views. Many thanks.
Which comedy character, during the war, had a catchphrase, "Eeh, it's agony, Ivy". I can find only one reference on Google (and that refers to Answerbank), but it doesn't ring any bells. Many thanks.