Right - who wants to do some swapsies for the weekend!?! Everything goes back to its rightful owner on Monday morning though!! :-) I am willing to swap, 2 inches on the waist and hips, and 2 inches of...
(if you don't know who your pair is check the list below) We will now be having a fire drill. I have realised that we haven't had one and this is terrible health and safety. I have been appointed fire...
Tom always kissed his wife, crawled into bed and fell asleep. During the night Tom awoke to find a man in a white robe standing at the end of the bed. "What are you doing in my room, and who are you"...
I'm back at work on the 7th to a rearguard, hopeless fight against the Royal Mail/Government intent on running down & ruining the postal service so it can be 'sold off'. All you good people can...
Tom always kissed his wife, crawled into bed and fell asleep. All of a sudden, in the middle of the night, he wakes up with an elderly man dressed in a white robe standing in front of his bed."What...