I have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but if I had to state an opinion I would say I'm for it.
It also depends on the crime, the reason for the crime, metal health of the criminal....
My trusty Panasonic digital camera is coming to the end of it's useful life, beset by many problems. I would appreciate any feedback on whether to replace it with a similar digital camera, or upgrade...
Cyclists think they have a right to go through red lights ? Are they supposed to keep to the left still when on the road as today I have seen some weaving in and out of cars going from left to right...
Lucky young lady won £28,000 yesterday. Twice the amount she needs for her wedding. The Banker seems to have a soft spot for young couples. Towards the end I was sitting on the edge of my seat,...
Am I alone in thinking that F1 is probably the most boring sport there is? Surely it would be more of a test of skill, therefore a sport, if all drivers drove the same car. As it is, IMO, it's not the...
I want to complain to JL about a faulty Sony HDD recorder that I bought in October and returned in early February. There is no JL in NI so I had to return it to the Liverpool store. I am still waiting...
Your predictions please
England; France; Ireland; Italy; Scotland or Wales?
My prediction: Tie between England and Ireland, with England winning on points difference......
just watching the news re the trial of the parents accused of killing the kids by setting fire to the house. Yesterday they said the friend was there because they were having a threesome, then today...
Am I alone in thinking that Outlook, which has replaced my Hotmail account, is a step back rather than forwards.
I can see NO redeeming features in it!...
With Pope Francis 1st and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI both eventually living within the walls of the Vatican City, will that see the opening of St Peter's Square's first "Frankie and Benny's"?...
Just returned from a lovely weekend. Saturday to see a Chorus Line, a very lively show but blooming uncomfortable seats. Dinner at a restaurant under Tower Bridge, alcohol free of course, why oh why...
Without getting into a debate about the naffness of private number plates, would you get one if your initials could be read as a rude-ish word? For instance if they were FRT, CRP, SHT, ARS? (I'll sit...
It's Friday. Time to get ready for the weekend. It's calm out, but I haven't been outside yet, so don't know how warm/cold it is.
Have a happy day everyone....