Could anyone tell me if there is a broadband package that includes the phone-line rental on a BT line and approx how much is it per month. I am currently on incoming calls only at ?9.00+ vat per month...
I have a "P" reg FIAT CINQUECENTO and i was doing some work on the engine, put everything back where it went and tried to start the car but no luck the engine code light is staying on there is no...
After the Driving test if you pass i read somewhere that the examiner could (if you want him to) hold on to your provisional licence and send it to get exchanged for a full one, or you can send off...
When calling a mobile phone from U K to Gran Canaria what extra numbers do you dial or is it just the straight forward mobile number, i know you have to put +44 and miss out the first zero before the...
Help! Help! Help! We are overun with flies, in the kitchen, the bathroom and the dining room everywhere, so can anyone tell me how to get rid of them, they are imune to any fly spray and we have a...
The indicators on my grand-daughters car works ok the fuse is ok the wiring is ok BUT the Hazard warning lights don't work and when we put the HW switch in it stops the indicators working changed the...
is it allowed to do what they call blocking in your driving test, that is go from 4th to 2nd gear when you come on a sudden bend or hazard, and also to start off in 2nd gear when moving away downhill.
A neighbours son (who is at college but on hols) is working in the local shop he is 16 years old and he works over 16 hours a week and gets about ?170. a week. Is he supposed to pay income tax or NI...
Can anyone tell me at what time do you stop receiving the above benefits when your child is in full time education (6th form), her birthday is February when she will be 18. She leaves this year to go...
I want to teach my grand-daughter the basics of driving and would like to know if there are any disused airfields or wide open spaces in the Whitchurch, Shropshire area
I Get condensation on the inside of my windscreen, it was suggested that i change the pollen-filter can anyone tell me where it is situated on the car so i can change it myself the year of my car is...