Hey guys Does anyone have any idea why my car alarm keeps going off ? It's always middle of nite when I go to turn it off there's not a soul about an no cats .. I even sat in garden at 3.30 this...
i was charged with taxi touting last week. I was walking towards my car when a man pretending to be lost approached me whilst i was waiting to cross the rd towwards my parked car. I asked him if he...
Gents, I'm thinking of opening a Bra Advisory Panel Service (BAPS), and I need a team of willing me to trawl through lingerie websites, catalogues and photos so we can match bra's to breast's and...
Hi guys I am currently expecting my 3rd child, at 21 weeks preggars. I had my anomaly scan on Monday just gone, everything is all looking good and healthy, we didn't ask the sex of the baby as we do...
Why is it that every time we get round to early Autumn/Sept there seems to be an overabundance of Spiders everywhere --espcially in the house? Seem to be forever bumping into small webs made by small...
but why does she keep weeing in her clothes, she doesnt do it all the time, but most of the time, her urine shows protein, why is that and what does that mean? thank you. its not attention seeking,...
http://tinyurl.com/25rnkd7 Why are our troops in Afghanistan when the 'danger to British streets' seems to be coming from Pakistan. In the hypothetical scenario of Britain and the US invading...
I was just looking on an opinions/chat website and am shocked to read that if you eat 'the wrong way round', it's considered rude. Well I am right handed and I eat with my knife in my left and fork in...
Confused of Menorca. When a male admits to adultery on AB, he is "tongue lashed(figuratively) and insulted. When a female admits to adultery on AB, it is "passed...
so it's my partners birthday in a few days and im totally stuck on ideas on what i can get him from our 6month old son. he has had fathers day this year so already has a 'daddy' photo frame and teddy...