Without going into all details ect as we would be here for quite a long time, I have begun over about the past 3 or so months, to slowly stop seeing my Dad and thinking as to why, there is no reason....
hi, a friend of mine with a 9 year old kid crossed the street but were not in the zebra lane (or whatever you call it). the kid crossed the street first then she followed, unfortunately, the kid was...
Hi I’m 48 years old, and single with no children (reasons will become clearer). Some 15 years ago I ended my relationship with my long-term boyfriend because he didn’t want to have...
as the majority are wind ups and alias names and probably won't bother if I ignore them anyway. Or i may respond and be confronatational and aggressive, what do you think?
My cousin and a group of freinds have been arrested for abh on a man on the bus, the victim suffered a few bruises and a bloody nose, the police have got the jacket he wore on the day of the offence,...
I cant sleep and got addicted to Co Drydramol pain killers to help me sleep. I stopped taking them when I realised I was getting dependent,,so now take 2 Piriton a night,a bit less...
I am fairly new to this website (just over a week ) and find it fascinating to be able to communicate with so many people, over such a wide age range, on such a wide range of topics almost...
Ha that got you looking! A mate of mine asked me yesterday what film featured a scene where a man was killed by dried spaghetti. Any ideas? (And if anyone says a 'spaghetti western' I will hunt them...
What do people think of the Audi TT. Thinking of getting one but friends say it's a hairdressers car!! I'm a middle aged guy. What do people think since I really like the look of the TT??
Are they removing my answers!!!! its no fun if i cant wind people up. I must say i have been in a peculiar mood of late, and if i have offended anyone, it was not intended, i was just having a bit of...