catastrophe this morning our hamster has escaped and we cant find him for love or money the little sod, been looking for an hour for him now!! oh well he will turn up i suppose when his hungry!! have...
Just tonight on the news it said about that highly respected charity the Royal British Legion,hoping to raise £36M with this years poppy-appeal and it made me think the (comparitively)new(and...
Why is it necessary for some ABers to make certain assumptions about fellow ABers?
There have been posts tonight which make me question what is behind some people's thinking....
I want to apologise for disrupting threads whilst 'conversing' with another ABer It has never been my intention to allow hostilities to derail or disrupt another persons thread. However, on the same...
Lads, the ladies are about to start fighting again. Now i've invested in a big paddling pool full of baby oil, and there is a crate of beer chilling in the fridge. If somebody else wants to get a...
The wind is blowing a gale and I'm freezing in this conservatory. I'm going up the woodenhill to dive under the duvet and dream about nice things.
X x x...
If you are a ghost, how did you buy a lottery ticket? What I mean by that is surely your spectral fingers would pass straight through the little pen that they give you to mark the paper? In fact, how...
I have just noticed my one year old son has a lump located just under where his ribcage joins together. It feels quite solid and is about the size of a pea. Does anyone know what this could be, should...
it was a song from a few years ago and it had a group of elderly people on a stage playing instuments it was kind of a cross between a normal song an techno if that makes any sense and for the life of...
Farting in bed. Should you sniff under the duvet afterwards, or would you pull the quilt up over your partners head so they can do you dirty work for you? Would you be proud of something that actually...
Would you rather?
I ask a would you rather question and the first person to answer it (with reasons) asks the next one.
So to start:
Would you rather eat rotten meat or drink gone-off milk?...
Ha, I knew that would get your attention lol! My engagement party is just over a week away and I need a kit with helium canister and appropriate foil balloons (preferably an all in one kit to make it...