So like in China they do some really cool ralf lauren stuff for kids. Like 10 pounds for a mini puffer jacket etc ertc. Is it wrong though to buy counterfeigt goods for your baby?
I've been with my partner for a while now in a lesbian relationship, but she is still married to the father of her 3 kids. This wasnt a problem for me previously as I understood there was nothing...
'dont forget to bring your butter' What does this mean? A girl said this to me when I was at uni and I took a portion of butter from the kitchen as I thought she meant something out of the last tango...
Ok so my ex-girlfriend (lets call her kate) and i have just broke up. We were only going out for not long but we had been 'together' for months. Anyway back at christmas, we were sort of together. Her...
Need help with at the moment a hypothetical question but could become real. I have some female guests in my home for a few drinks - may be 3 ladies. Two of the ladies goes home and the hostess...
I just wanted to join the latest in a line of people who seem to view kids as a fashion accessory, or a way of cementing relationships with (slightly dodgy) boyfriends, or as a money spinner so here's...
What's the longest you've gone without taking a shower or having a bath? 3 days for me: one muddy Glastonbury Festival. I also didn't shower or bathe for 5 days when I was staying on a tiny deserted...
I have had 3 toasted not cross buns and yet again this year they have made me cough and i needed copious amounts of hot coffee to get over it! Is it a dodgy asdas recipe?
if im 16 and i really want a baby and so does my 22 year old boyfriend, by the time im 17 and he is 23 do you think this is a senseible age to start trying for a baby? if i live with him his mum and...
Rick Ashley song stuck in my head since about 6:30am.... Not sure whether to go with hammer to the skull or lobotomy with rusty spoon in order to stop the madness. (I'm actually hoping posting about...
hi im getting married in june and my shy 20 year old son is giving me away, hes only shy in front of other people! he's worried about his speech and what he can say! iv told him to just speak from the...