What 5 things or people would you put in in room 101? My 5 would be.. 1. Cilla Black 2. GMTV 3. Country and Western Music 4. Bullies 5. Those annoying loan/claim adverts on TV.
Hi, as i say its just an observation, as i try not to get into these battles! tried to post this earlier but it just disappeared (as if by magic heheh) Anyway, when i joined AB it was fun, about 10...
PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY YOU HAVE REMOVED THIS POST OF MINE. Can you please tell me why a very sensible unbiased post made by nox has vanished and my perfectly sensible unbiased reply has vanished with it?...
Let's create our very own AB 'Meaning of Life'. This will be an amalgamation of everyone's top tip for getting the best out of life. To achieve this, we all need to offer one sound piece of advice on...
I have a male friend who is a really nice bloke, regarded as extremely good looking, gentle and very quiet, the problem is that he never seems to notice females when they are expressing an interest in...
If you lifted one leg off the ground and forgot how to put it down again. Discuss. Sensibly. I'll BAN anything stupid. Alternatively, ignore the question, I'll get over it.
To post this question/statement into suggs and then body&soul I was trying to explain why estie is leaving as she asked me to do....thats all http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/AB-Suggestions/...
Dear Ed, I would like to suggest that you do something about the disgusting personal attacks and the conspiratorial bannings that are taking place. If you read the several deranged threads below from...